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Thursday 22 August 2024


I am hoping that today ends better than it starts.  My daughter rang in the early hours as when at a club in Barcelona, the friend she had travelled there with had her phone stolen.  They went to the police station, but could not report it stolen as they did not have the ID information on it.  They were assured that they would be able to report it at the police station at the airport however.

So this morning, after waking up late I when on the dog walk, I got a message about not being able to find the airport.  I sent instructions to them after a quick Google search.  When I got to work, my label printer was missing labels, but there were no labels to find.  Also, needing sleep, I needed coffee, but there was no coffee!  I did find both in the end, but ended up starting work late.  Later, my daughter's friend lost her wallet!  Fortunately, they are both home now.  

My son also got his GCSE results.  Apparently, he is not too pleased with his Chemistry and Biology results as he is hoping to study both subjects at A-Level.  He has enjoyed the rest of the day with friends.  

Anyway, I am off home soon and will hopefully be relaxing with no more drama!

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