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Saturday 11 May 2019

Miss Havisham

Long story short, we ended up in Faversham today.  Due to the recent rain, there was no cricket today, which was just as well as I needed to nip into work today.  

Anyway, we ended up for one reason or another in Faversham, Kent.  I napped on the drive there and when there we visited a church and had a great lunch.  We had a bit of a tiff when it came to where to eat, but we ended up in a place that has served the best burgers that I have had in a long time, possibly ever.  We had planned to walk about the town more, and for me, to visit the brewery, but as we arrived late and due to the rain and it being cold, the visit did not take in as much of the town as I wanted.

And it was only on getting back and preparing this blog post that I realised that the character from Great Expectations is not Miss Faversham.  Which explains why the family considered me to be insane when talking about the book...