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Tuesday 10 September 2024

Winter fuel support cuts and the wealthy

I have to disagree with the government on their plans to make winter fuel support cuts.  In my job, I come across too many elderly people who are vulnerable. While there is some support available for those facing cuts, I do not know if many will claim the additional support, or apply for winter fuel support.  Too many of the elderly that I see in my job have issues with being able to fill in forms, or are not aware that they can.  Many have undiagnosed dementia, too many are isolated and some are not aware that they will be affected by changes.  Having a universal payment will mean that some who are rich will get it when they do not deserve it, but the changes will mean that too many who need it, will go without.

On my way into work today, I was listening to someone who talked about funding it by taxing the 1% more. The problem is that she called, like many do, a wealth tax. Such a term smacks of punishing aspiration. I would prefer a higher bar, maybe the top 0.5% and calling it a tax on the super rich.  

It will be interesting to see how Labour MP’s vote on this. The rebellion over benefits for people with more than two children was punished.  If I was a Labour MP, I am not sure that an abstention would be enough and I would be tempted to rebel over this.  I know hard choices have to be made thanks to the legacy of the Tories. I am sure that this is a choice that should not have been made,