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Sunday 5 June 2011

"Hundreds of women go on a slut walk in South Wales" Just another Saturday afternoon in Cardiff then........

Good morning all.  The post title is a reference to the Slut Walks, a response to a comment by a policeman in Canada which raises an interesting issue.  While rape is wrong, in some cases, can a woman be viewed as partly responsible?  A statement which does not absolve a man for an act of rape, but one which many people, men and women have felt does.  

Anyway, back to the kids, my wife and me.  The rest of the family had a great day yesterday.  As some of you know, I changed jobs last year.  I had to take a pay cut, at the very least, for the first year, and due to that, I am having to work on Saturdays.  My job, without having to work like a dog on Saturdays, is harder than my last one.  But it is more enjoyable.  Much more enjoyable.  Do not get me wrong, it was not that my last job was terrible, it was just that it could, and should have been so much better.  I am now working in a place where I feel that there is more of a team ethic and where people both look out for each other more and support each other.  So yesterday, I bumped into two of the people I used to work with.  While I am still ecstatic at leaving my old place, and even more about where I am working now, I still liked the people I worked with.  Despite the faults of some of them (but then, who does not have faults).  So it was nice to see them.
But enough on me.  The kids.  In the morning, while I was working, my wife took them out strawberry picking.  The weather was great and the kids love strawberries.  Unfortunately, my son had a problem.  Amongst all the green leaves and green strawberries, he could not see any of the red ones.  Which meant my daughter had to pick them and my son had to eat them.  My daughter, despite people eating them while picking them refused to eat them until they were washed!  Not that many were eaten before paying for them that is.  Just one or two.  (Or three or four...)  But the great thing was that when I got back from work, there were very fresh strawberries there for me to eat!

I had to make sure that I told my daughter that I loved the ones that she picked.  And I was not telling a lie. 

I came home from work and my wife said, "I washed your England shirt for you today."
I said, "What England shirt?"
She said, "The red one that was in the frame on the wall. Whoever Bobby Moore is, tell him to stop drawing all over your clothes."

It's been embarrassing watching those ten excuses for "talent" on ITV.

I thought Jack Wilshere had a good game though.

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