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Friday 2 August 2024

British Patriots fought against the Nuremberg Laws that the Far Right love

Britain makes me proud.  We have democratic values, we have laws against sexism and racism.  Our multicultural team are completing in the Olympics in Paris, and at the time of typing this, we are 5th in the medal table. People across the globe listen to our music, listen to The World Service, watch our TV shows like Dr Who and while many do not like our country, many do.

Yes, we have aspects of our nation we need to be ashamed of, but there is so much more to look at with pride and while it is important to learn where our nation has fallen from the ideals we treasure now, it is also important to look at what our small nation has done.

One of the many things that also makes me proud is how the community of Southport came together to clean up the mess left by rioters from outside the community.

Hate has been part of our history.  Examples include the persecution of Jews and Catholics.  Sadly, I see that the hatred towards Islam has increased.

Riots across our nation are not justified, be that in Harehills or Southport.  I hope that we have seen the last of them.  I fear that we shall see more.

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