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Monday 6 May 2024

The Zone of Interest

Before I comment on the film, I managed to watch the Arsenal game on Match of the Day yesterday. I think that we were lucky to get our penalty and also not to give another one away. It makes a difference to have decisions go our way, but I do feel sorry for Bournemouth.

Anyway, the film. Needless to say, my wife did not want to watch it. Films like this are not what she likes, but then, it is strange to say that this is a film people can like. In some ways it has relevance to what is happening today in Gaza. In the film, people try to live normal lives, while unimaginable horror occurs on the other side of the wall.  While what is happening to the people of Gaza is not as vile as what happened in The Holocaust, it is still wrong, and people on the other side of the barrier would be able to live a life in blissful ignorance, if not for the unjustified continued attacks on civilians by Hamas. Ignoring what is happening now, it is a good film to watch. We should never forget what happened in the past and should ensure that we do our best to ensure that nothing like that happens again, even though it has. 

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