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Tuesday 21 June 2022

Blaming the unions

I wish that Network Rail had averted this unnecessary strike by engaging in a meaningful way the Unions like ScotRail has. 

The unions have been blamed for the rail strike today by the government. But the government forget to tell you that the workers were balloted on strike action and the workers decided to strike.  I know this because I am a member of a union.  I have been out on strike and my union has worked to protect my rights.  Many years ago, my union acted to ensure that my employer acted within the law and had to be involved as my employer did not listen until the union was involved.

In my job, I see how employers treat those in a union fairly, but often, those who are not in a union do not get treated in the same manner.   Due to this, when I see people with stress at work, one of the questions I ask is if they are in a union, and if they are, if they have involved it.  

It is easy to try and make political capital out of this, and the government have with soundbites that do not stand up to scrutiny.  With this tweet, the wages of teachers has been mentioned.  Teachers in the UK may be considering strike action over low pay, so the answer here is to pay teaches more.  Nurses in the UK have taken strike action over pay.  I presume that this MP backs a call from them for better wages.  Also, the MP ignores how unions are formed by their members.  If workers want a ‘hard left’ person to represent them, that is their right.  I know that I want someone in charge of my union who looks out for my rights and is willing to defend them.

I do not know a union member who wants to strike over everything.  I do know loads of union members who want to work but are part of a union to ensure that their rights are protected.  Strikes are a last resort, and in this case like others, can be avoided through negotiation just like has happened in Scotland.

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