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Wednesday 28 February 2018

My kids were mean to me today

It was a snowed in day today.  I had intended to work from home today anyway, but it turned out that due to the intensity of the snow, that the schools were shut today.  This meant a day looking after the children and helping them with enjoying the snow after ringing in to take the day off work.  Years ago, Father Christmas had given them some sleighs which they have only used on one occasion before today.  Despite it snowing before, they have not had the chance to use them, other than one year when I dragged them around in the garden.  I had intended the take them to use them today though, taking advantage of the weather and I had intended to take them both early.  While they initially agreed, my daughter changed her mind and wanted to play in the garden instead.  And while my son and I were going to go out, we changed our mind and played with her, the intention to leave to use the sleighs, or as I was just taking the one child, sleigh.  But instead we went out into the back garden (the picture is of the back garden of another house along our street).  And that is when they were mean to me.  Two against one, they both ganged up on me.  The aim of my daughter was lethal, and she got me with several face shots when it came to the snow ball fight. My son was just as deadly sneaking up from the side of me to again, get me in the face.

I did get away when the kids were in the warm to take my wife into town, but got stuck when trying to park when back at home.  Fortunately, thanks to passing friends, two pushes allowed us to get the final few metres to home.  The kids went out again, and that involved another snowball fight, this one ending in tears, but this quickly resolved and over all, they kids loved the unexpected day off from school.  The odds are that they will probably be off tomorrow, but I will be back at my main job so will not be able to take the day off work.

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