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Saturday 21 November 2015

Christianity: One woman's lie about having an affair that got seriously out of hand

 I have been very mean to the family in the last few days.  On Friday, due to various reasons, I got into a temper.  It meant that at work, I was not really in the mood to talk to anyone over the argument that happened at home.  The thing was that it was over a silly thing, but once I got into my mood, I just got worse and worse.  And while I may have possibly been justified in getting annoyed in the first place, there was not reason for me to stay annoyed and take it out on everyone, let alone leave the house in a foul mood that stayed until I returned.  Fortunately, my family are far nicer than I am and let me off.

And today, I swore a bit after hearing the Arsenal score.  I do my best not to know the score before watching Match of the Day, but I found out.  And to make matters worse, again, I was a moron and snapped at my amazing wife.  I owe her lots as she has been wonderful to me (as always) today.  Watching the game, it was great to see Arsenal score first, but injuries were not kind to us today (again) and the two goals to follow were painful to watch.  Still, I have stated that I did not think that we can maintain the challenge with the injuries that we have had.

The picture was taken today when I was in London on a course.  It was a bit cloudy on the way there, well it was raining and appeared that it was to be a miserable day but the course was great, one of those teaching was truly excellent and I learned a lot which I hope to put to good use.  Once out, so was the sun, not for as long as I would have liked, but as you can see, I felt is was a truly beautiful day.  The only downside was that I did not get to go to Borough Market for lunch, though the meal provided at Glaziers Hall, where the course was held was great.

And once again, good night.

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