A blog mostly about my family. Though I also rant about other things, work, music, films etc.
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Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Day eight in the Big Brother House
Just a quick post before bed. I was working from home today again. When at work, Monday and Tuesday are my long days, which is important with the amount of work I get. I am kept busy but have a clear run at paperwork. Now I am working from home, it is a millstone around my neck. It means that I cannot relax properly.
Saying that, it is nice to be with the family and I think that they are finding it odd to have me at home. We did play Trivial Pursuit today and my wife and I attempted the quiz run by Jimmy Carr as well.
My son got to enjoy freedom as his quarantine has ended. With him being the index case, he can now leave the house while the rest of us are still stuck inside for another week. But he went off to the local shops and came back laden with supplies of chocolate. Friends of ours have helped as well, two friends delivering shopping to our door which would have been too heavy for my son to bring, assuming that what they brought was in stock.
Monday, 30 March 2020
Day seven in the Big Brother House
Another day in the house. My son gets to leave the house tomorrow, but the rest of us have to wait another week. Saying that, we can go into the garden.
The grass is growing and our lawn mower is not working. I have ordered a spark plug on Amazon and hopefully that is the issue which needs to be fixed. If not, it is more of a wait until it can be sorted.
Today was quite boring for me, work work and work (from home). My daughter is being quite diligent and my wife has been active as well sorting out things at her job. The only person treating this like a holiday really is my son and we are going to have to address that soon...
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Day six in the Big Brother house
A quick post as I would like to go to sleep soon.
I had done some learning about COVID on Saturday and in the evening we bought a delivery, the lady hurriedly leaving it on our doorstep when it arrived. I also spoke to a friend who is ill with probable COVID19 who like me is not able to work seeing patients. But he is will with it while I am in isolation because my son had a temperature and I feel fine.
Today has been another relaxing day, watching Star Wars with my son, The Clone Wars, and also my daughter has started to get into watching Friday Night Dinner. I feel like my batteries are recharged for tomorrow but I need to get to bed for the work that tomorrow will need to be done.
And if I am lucky, testing will be made available to me to allow me to get back to work in a face to face role again.
Saturday, 28 March 2020
It will be interesting to see if Trump is able to avoid the blame for how COVID19 is to kill many Americans. It would have killed many, but action taken by him would have bought time for more preparations to be made, and therefore for lives to have been saved, not just of the general public, but of those who are treating those infected. Remember that after Ebola caused a more major issue because it spread to the west in 2014, the office used to co-ordinate responses to such issues was closed!
Here in the UK, we have an issue where there are concerns about the levels of PPE (personal protective equipment) which are available in the community, let alone, what is present in hospitals. In addition to this, like all nations, the UK faces a shortage of ventilators, but unlike many others, missed out on the chance to get more. What makes my blood boil, is that NHS staff would have better protection but Jeremy Hunt decided that we were not worth it. While there are arguments that the preparation of the UK could and should have been better, there is no doubt that the NHS would have been in a better place to deal with things if not for the way it has been treated up until now.
What I find amazing though is the way that people appear to be denying the reality that is taking place in Iran, Italy and Spain. Social distancing will save lives, and sadly, the economies of most of our nations will need to be stagnant for a while. China will recover from this, but the concern there is for how long. They are to enter a state of isolation and I suspect that they will hope that a vaccine or an effective treatment is found before it recurs there. What I hope is that China will be able to help save the world. If they are able to keep COVID19 from returning, they could be the force that allows the world to have more ventilators and more PPE.
Anyway, I am hoping that the testing that has been approved for NHS staff will allow me to return to work soon. So long as the testing is found to be accurate.
It will be interesting to watch a disaster film in the future. Even now, we will be able to watch some and think "That is Trump" or "That person is just like a Trump supporter denying the effects of COVID." And as you can see from the video, being a moron is not just confined to the young.
Friday, 27 March 2020
Day four in the Big Brother House
So far today, we have had a game of throw and catch in the garden after lunch when I was taking a break from work, and we have been annoying each other a bit. I am known for finding ways of getting on my kids nerves, and they have been bickering a bit. My wife decided to put on an accent which annoyed my daughter as well before lunch. We also took part in a bit of arson when we burned the food packaging from our takeaway last night. While the boxes recommend recycling, the information that I have read before states that they cannot be recycled. So we had fun burning them (in a safe manner) in the garden before playing throw and catch. I am not sure if it is a good idea to teach my children how to set fires though!
It was bin day, but we only had the one bag to take out, and on guidelines, we have to wait 72 hours before leaving it out. Next week, is when I will need to do this, ensuring that I am not touching the bins when I move them. I have worked out how to do this already, my training in aseptic technique from working in the health service has interesting outside uses!
After dinner, it was board game time and this time, we played the family edition of Trivial Pursuit. Not that I am competitive, but I won both games! And afterwards, while my daughter bonded with her mother, my son and I watched the latest episode of The Mandalorian. My son still thinks that the little green alien is good, I know that it is exerting mind control on the star character.
And the music is from a video shared by a friend of mine.
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Day 3 in the Big Brother House
Quick post before bed. Have been working from home, doing my Wednesday job on other days as well as my normal job using the work laptop, ringing people and providing advice. I feel guilty that I am not physically at work, but have to remain in isolation.
Today, I was brought to tears by the #ClapForCarers, as I did not think it would have such a response from people, and those signing up to help the NHS makes me proud to be British.
After that, it was a virtual pub quiz and we played Labyrinth. I came last which the rest of the family loved, and I learned that my wife cheated years ago when we all played Risk in Italy!
We were able to sign up for the Disney channel and I watched The Mandalorian with my son. We disagree about it. I feel that the star has been brainwashed by the little green alien. My son considers it to be cute. I guess time will tell as we watch it over the next few weeks.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Day two in the Big Brother house
Yesterday I got a call about my son. He was noted at school to have a high temperature. The thing was that he was otherwise well in himself. But that meant that I had to leave work and enter quarantine. My daughter was really glad about this as she has not enjoyed her time at school when most people are not there.
But this means only going into the garden for the next two weeks. Luckily we have friends who are willing to get supplies as trying to get a slot for an online supermarket delivery is a nightmare.
I have been working from home, not being able to do much by the time online access was obtained yesterday, but I have been very busy today. Anyway, time for bed as I am knackered.
Just a note though, gloves are only of use of the are changed as often as you would wash your hands.
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Another one bites the dust
At work, and it is going to be busy. Another member of staff is now in isolation due to COVID-19 and the risks that it poses. But another is back part time.
At the moment, I think that we are in the calm before the storm. But I know that the storm is coming. But hopefully, it will not be as bad in this area as it has been and will be in London.
When it comes to the children, due to me being a front line worker, they have been going to school. My son turned up in uniform yesterday to find out it is non-uniform, which makes sense really as clothes can be a way of the infection getting into the house. My daughter was annoyed at the enforced social isolation that has taken part at her school and I think wants to do her school work from home. The problem is that if my son is at home, the two bicker and cannot be trusted to be left alone. Saying that, my wife may be at home more as she is now just dealing with emergencies.
Anyway, fingers crossed for everyone. And I hope you all stay safe, and ideally, stay at home to save lives.
Monday, 23 March 2020
So it has finally happened. The UK is in shutdown. The question is if this will be enough and has this been done soon enough.
While I still do not trust Boris Johnson, I had trusted those making decisions based on data from home and abroad. But when they said that the mathematical models they used were wrong, the need for a shutdown became more important.
What happens how with the NHS depends on what happened two weeks ago. But social distancing has been ignored by too many, and judging by what happened this weekend, is probably to be ignored at supermarkets up and down the country still. Our local TESCO has early opening for NHS staff and the elderly on Sunday. As my wife has been shopping sensibly, we have enough supplies and did not have to go, but it was crowded according to those who went from my work and was ideal conditions for COVID to spread.
When it comes to work, another GP has fallen, meaning a harder day for the rest of us as it is not safe for that GP to be seeing patients. I do hope those who cannot come to work stay safe, and I am hopeful that they will, so long as the nation does not panic and controls are imposed at supermarkets.
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Bog roll
Just a few things.
1 - I think that we have enough bog roll to eat if needed, so long as we ration ourselves to one sheet each per meal that is.
2 - We need to make a will
3 - My daughter may be the reason I need to make a will. I had fallen asleep outside of my bedroom last night. Today, I remembered that she tried to suffocate me last night. And my son let her!
Friday, 20 March 2020
Trump and racism (again)
Trump is trying to blame China for COVID19.
Are we to ‘blame’ Saudi Arabia for MERS or ‘blame’ Mexico for Swine Flu? How about ‘blaming’ the DRC in West Africa for Ebola? What about Malaria? We can blame all those of a ‘funny tinge’ for that. And there is Zika where we need to ‘blame’ Brazil. Trump is pandering to racism to try and deflect the attention from the way he said that COVID19 was not going to be a big thing along with the other examples of true incompetence that have taken place since then, including the many things he got wrong in his presidential address. If he is to call COVID19 a name based on racism, he should be consistent and do the same with Ebola, which still kills in Africa as well as how Malaria and Zika are still issues for far too many.
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Time to nationalise things
In this time of illness and poverty, many companies are facing insolvency. They cannot afford to pay staff, and even if they do not, then they still face bankruptcy.
Capitalism is not working.
My answer is that we should consider a basic income (with unpaid leave for many workers), rent and mortgage holidays and part nationalise industries that need financial assistance.
The bailout of the 2008 financial crisis that Gordon Browns push helped to save the economy of the world. We need someone like him in charge again who can look at the implications of this. If businesses are part nationalised, then they can be sold back to the current shareholders and owners afterwards when the crisis is over, and by supporting workers on unpaid leave with a universal income, then food can still be bought but they will also have jobs to return to once restrictions are lifted in four to six months time.
An example of why I think that this approach is needed is Virgin Airlines. They have asked staff to take unpaid leave, and also want financial assistance. We need to support the people of our nation, not just businesses.
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Schools out
Another exhausting day at work. Yesterday we lost two doctors and one nurse practitioner to isolation and today we lost another nurse and a nurse practitioner. I did not work in my usual Wednesday role as I was sent to work on the shop floor. Needless to say it was exhausting again. And the nation probably faces another four months of this. So bearing in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint, I am hoping that COVID19 testing for NHS staff is brought in soon so that those in isolation can return if not infected.
Anyway, today my daughter came home from her school trip. My son has been at home today with a stomach ache. She was a bit upset as one of her friends was sent into isolation due to suspected COVID19 in her family. She was even more upset later though. Some schools have had to send year groups home due to staff shortages due to isolation of teaching staff, my daughters school being one of them. She had been told that she would have to work from home for Thursday and Friday. So when she was told that the schools were closing this weekend, she was ecstatic. Until she was told she would have to keep going because I am a key worker! While my son was grateful that he gets to go to school, her reaction was more typical of a teenager...
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Absent daughters
I forgot to post an update from Sunday.
After dropping off my mother at Heathrow I dropped my brother off then drove over to the family who were staying at my wife’s parents. Needless to say I was knackered but got to relax and rest. They had travelled from abroad the week before and had the option to stay longer. We had told them to stay as things were to get worse here, but they were reassured by optimists that things would not be too bad. But things got worse in the days before we saw them and when we arrived my father-in-law did not want to hug me! Considering that we were to stay overnight, I am not sure this would have helped at all.
The following morning I took my wife and her mother to the shops, were we saw the panic, including the empty shelves of bottled water.
After doing our weekly shop, with the things that we were able to buy I was asked to do some lifting. And both kids helped. Normally, it is just my daughter who helps, but my son, who has been becoming fitter since he has been cycling to school, helped as well. I am hopeful that both will become fitter, but this depends on what restrictions COVID19 are placed.
On Monday, my daughter left for a school trip. We were wondering if this was to go ahead, and in fact we were surprised when it was not cancelled. And it has been quieter with just the one child. He loves it, though has said he misses his sister. I have been too busy to notice myself, finishing my day exhausted and only returning home was he was asleep.
Monday, 16 March 2020
We need a basic income now.
Well, things are getting worse. Looking at the data available, the government have moved to more strict recommendations. This states that if you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.
Those who live alone (like my brothers) only have to self isolate for a week. But for those with children, this essentially means that parents will be at home an awful lot, especially for those with younger ones who naturally pick up lots of infections.
I understand that this is important in slowing the spread of this infection, but this will mean that many will be confined to being at home and that means that they will not be able to earn money to pay bills, or buy food.
And it will mean that many NHS workers will be at home as they are not to be tested as the UK does not seem to have enough testing kits. And the reason that I suspect the government has not realised this is because they do not have enough mothers involved in making these decisions.
If social distancing is to work, we cannot have a system where people have to work when infected with COVID19 to feed themselves and loved ones. And that means that we need a sytem of universal/basic income and we need it now.
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Panic, peer pressure and COVID19
We live in interesting times.
The picture was taken when I was shopping in Waitrose and there was little bottled water left on the shelves.
Panic has set in and the pressure to do what others do is overwhelming for many.
And this applies to what other nations are doing to respond to COVID19.
A few issues have been raised. One is the way that we are no longer testing everyone who is suspected of having COVID19. From what I understand, the number of tests required to continue doing this is to exceed the capacity. It is a shame for many as if those who are infected with COVID19 know they have had it, they also know that they no longer pose a risk to others. An issue that even more important for those who have a formal or informal role in looking after those who are vulnerable.
The next issue is why we are not carrying out the shutdowns that are occurring in Italy and Spain are not happening here. The answer to that is that they will, soon. In the UK we are a week or so behind France and Spain.
There is cynicism about the ability of Boris to manage this. If it was just down to him, I would share those concerns. But it is not. Our Prime Minister is making decisions after listening to those in Public Health who have access to epidemiological data from the UK, Italy, Wuhan, South Korea, France and Spain.
People are going to die due this illness. The aim is to keep the numbers as low as possible. It is scary, but we can ask our government to panic, or we can hope they can stay calm, and make the right decisions at the right time.
Saturday, 14 March 2020
Today has been a bit knackering.
My son has been catching up on Doctor Who and my daughter was at a sleep over. And the parents of my wife have returned from being abroad. So we went to meet up with them before I went to take my mother to Heathrow to travel abroad. The airport was quiet, understandable considering how people are concerned about travelling, including my mother. And while she is concerned about the flight and travelling, I am mostly reassured that she should be safer abroad. So long as she takes care when travelling by public transport.
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Donald Trump has made an excellent political move, that will have no health benefits. A travel ban will not work.
I have woken up to find that Donald Trump has increased the travel ban due to COVID19. Well, bits of one, this being a ban on travel from nations who are in the Schengen Agreement area.
This move will have much more of an effect on how the American public view him, but little on this disease. COVID19 is already in the USA and the rates are probably greater than have been tested considering the way the USA has not been able to test as many people as has happened in Europe. Of course, Trump has decided to blame Obama for this. But while he wanted to cut funds to the CDC which is responsible for managing the response to this in the USA, despite Ebola, it is uncertain if these cuts have taken effect.
But travel bans do not work. People in the UK had called for a travel ban when this started to stop people coming in from China. But our first national to have it, contracted it in Singapore and brought it to the UK via France. There is only one nation to have imposed more strict bans on travel due to COVID, this being North Korea, and this has not worked there to prevent it entering the nation, though it is unclear if they will be able to limit any spread or not with the measures that they have put in place. And when it comes to this new travel ban, people in the Schengen Agreement area will find ways to get around this by travelling to other destinations, including the UK before flying to the US.
To put it simply, the travel ban that Trump has imposed is unlikely to do much to prevent the spread of COVID19, but it will appeal to many voters, even though it makes little sense.
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Nadine Dorries, COVID19 and Kinder Gentler Politics
One of my elected representatives had made an ill judged tweet about Nadine Dorries. To be fair, he has since removed it, but it appeared to be poking fun at her for catching it. Now, for the record, I do not like Nadine Dorries, in fact I abhor her. I think her defence of austerity is reprehensible and her comments on the NHS in the past, denying the reality of Conservative under-funding while politically astute, are, for someone who has worked in the NHS, morally bankrupt.
But I think it is wrong to revel in her misfortune. I know it is controversial, but if someone had spread lies about COVID19 and then caught it, I would be tweeting similar comments about them, but she has not done so.
Some have called her incompetent for catching it, but while precautions can be taken to reduce the chance of catching or spreading it, her contracting this is nothing to do with incompetence.
I wish her a speedy recovery and I hope her elderly mother, whom she lives with, also recovers soon.
Monday, 9 March 2020
Are people panicking over nothing when it comes to COVID19
The simple answer is yes and no.
Yes, people appear to be panicking over toilet roll and dried pasta in the UK when they should not be. On Saturday, when we visited my mother we were not able to get into Costco as people were stocking up there. Saying that, stocking up now means that there will still be supplies when COVID19 hits the UK properly.
And sadly, it will. At the moment, the strategy of containment is working to delay the spread of this virus as much as reasonably possible. But it will spread. The number of confirmed cases appears to be doubling every day and the NHS is doing the best it can to cope with this.
The government is listening to it when it comes to preparing for this, and the NHS will do the best it can to cope. But I do not think any healthcare system in temperate zones will be able to cope with this, until summer hits. While the NHS was better prepared when it faced Swine Flu in terms of finances and staffing levels, this illness is more fatal.

And this is where some people are being complacent on the internet. Yes, flu kills. Yes, Swine Flu did not kill as many as expected (thanks to immunisation and the use of the drugs that are available). But there is no vaccine against COVID19 and only one drug appears to have any potential against this. The death rate may not be as high as the 3% reported in some newspapers, and we have South Korea to thank for this information as they have been screening lots of people for COVID19, not just those with symptoms.
But this is more fatal, and this has been noted by the deaths of those in China who have been treating patients with this condition.
And working in healthcare, yes, I am worried that I will join that list. But I am more concerned about how this will affect my wife. My kids hopefully should not be affected by it too much.
On the bright side, at least I am not in the USA where I would be landed with a huge bill if I am concerned that I have this.
Sunday, 8 March 2020
1-0 to the Arsenal
And it is another win for the Arsenal.
But before I post about that, a quick update on the children. My son went paintballing on Saturday and had fun. He had promised me before that he would dress up in a warm manner, but was not happy when my wife told him to change out of his very smart clothes when he went as it was quite muddy. When he did change, he had decided to ignore what I had said about keeping warm.
After he had been dropped of by my wife, we travelled down to see my Mother. Needless to say, with COVID19 due to hit the nation, I am concerned about this. The parents of my wife are to return to the UK despite what we have said about this when they could be in a warmer climate which means that they would be at less risk of this.
My mother was glad to see my daughter, my wife and I, but was a bit sad that she did not get to see my son. But she has been convinced to leave the country for a few months, an option that is not available to all. She will be in warmer climes and hopefully this will offer her some protection. On the way home, we tried to pop into Costo, but was not able to get in due to the queue of cars. We could have waited, but would have been stuck there for a while and would have had to fight for a parking space.
Today, my son went out for a meal with friends and while he was having fun with them, by wife and I had a civilised meal around the corner. Spending time with her is always a pleasure, but to do so without children (my daughter was at home doing her homework and watching television) is even better. I do love the children, but one on one time with my wife is becoming too rare.
Anyway, Arsenal won. We could and should have played better but a win is a win. And the scum did not win. I would have preferred it if they had lost, but I should not be greedy!
Monday, 2 March 2020
US healthcare again
I know that things have changed since Obamacare in the USA and that Trump has been trying to improve things further by cutting back on the healthcare that Americans get.
And while I do rant about the NHS and how much better it can (and should) be, I am very grateful that we still have it for now.
So if I come across as being cynical, it is only because the NHS was better before 2010 than it is now in so many ways and I am frustrated that the policies of the Conservatives have made things worse when it comes to how it performs.
Sunday, 1 March 2020
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want (February)
I had a better month for trading last month and I am still after high CP Pokémon. My ideal is to trade a Karrablast for a Shelmet. Next on my list is a like for like trade for an armoured Mewtwo. A Pokémon which reminds me from that final scene in Aliens.
And just to make it clear, just these ones in any lucky trades. I am aware that I may not be able to get some of them, such as the Alola forms of the Meowth or Vulpix, or Klink, but I guess my view is if you do not ask, you do not get. I do have some high CP forms of some of the Pokémon that are on the list but the actual statistics that they have are wanting.
Sadly, I do not have as many shiny Pokémon as I would like, and those that I have tend to be those that others have anyway. Which means in general that I am after like for like trades.
Geodude (normal form)
Meowth Alola form
Vulpix Alola form
However, after the December Community Weekend, while I do not have many, I have a few evolved Pokémon with community day moves available to trade, some of them being shiny ones!
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