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Thursday 20 May 2021

The Holy Land, again.

My daughter asked me for a quick summary about what has happened in The Holy Land.  It is a bit hard to explain this.

From my understanding, issues arose as a result of the eviction of non-Jews from Jerusalem, violence towards Muslims during Ramadan, and the violence at the Dome of the Rock.

Let me be clear, I think that a two state solution is needed.  I consider the way Israel acts towards those in the West Bank and Gaza to be the actions of apartheid, but I am also aware that Christians and Muslims in Israel have more rights than the Palestinian Authority or Hamas allows them in Gaza or the West Bank.  But the situation for Christians and Muslims in Israel is changing.    

Back in 1993, the Oslo Peace Accords had been signed and it looked like a just peace for many would come to the region.  Yes, many Palestinian refugees considered this to be unfair, but it was a better situation than things had been before.  But then settlement expansion started to take place.  Some considered these to expansion of settlements that had already existed, but many considered otherwise.  Basically, the Palestinians negotiated a peace deal, and then Israel ignored it.  

The issue of the Right Of Return is a contentious one.  Allowing Jews with an ancestral right to return to Israel is right, but only if the same right is given to the Christians and Muslims who used to live in Palestine. Two examples of this are two villages, Iqrit and Kafr Bir'im. But I doubt that is going to happen.

As much as I disagree with the actions of Israel towards its non-Jewish population, as well as its actions in annexing land in Jerusalem, there is no justification for Hamas to fire missiles from Gaza, even though Israel has attempted to lay siege to it, and I understand why Israel has responded with force.  

There is a lot I have missed out, but I have to return to work now.

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