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Sunday 26 April 2020

Lucky Number Slevin

My update since Wednesday is simple.  Though I forgot to add how much work that my wife has been doing in the garden on that day (and since) as well as how she has now got her masters.  It is annoying that she has more qualifications than me, but I am very proud of her.  So far, she has been sent flowers, one by her mother and another by Lynn one of our good friends.

Work on Thursday involved having to see someone in a residential home were COVID was.  I wore the recommended PPE knowing that it only offered me partial protection.  Needless to say I was terrified and I have to say that I am amazed at how brave the care staff working there are.  I found it bad enough being there for thirty minutes, this is nothing compared to those who are there for hours looking after the residents there.  Issues also arose at work due to a bid misunderstanding with wires being crossed and no one checking with us what was happening.  It was so busy that I missed the clapping at eight in the evening for key workers.  I got back to find that my wife and the kids had taken the paper recycling out.  Due to issues with sickness and social distancing the council have not been able to collect recycling as often as before, which means that we have got a huge pile for collection!

On Friday, things were calming down but I had to see people face to face.  None had symptoms of COVID but there is always the risk of infection when seeing people.  I did not get to watch The Mandalorian at the time, but I did get to watch Friday Night Dinners.  I did get to go for a long walk with my daughter, something that I have not done in a while.

Yesterday my wife, had not been feeling that well in the morning but perked up and went to work in the garden again.  Her ability to work is amazing, but our garden needs a lot of work.  It is nice being able to see more of the patio as well as some distant houses now!  I managed to go for a nice bike ride, but my bike really needs a service.  Trying to get that done will be fun! My wife and I also got to watch Lucky Number Slevin.  I was not sure if I was going to like it, but I love watching films with my wife and I should have had more faith that it was going to be good.  Just having the actors that were in it does not guarantee a film will not be awful, but this was very enjoyable.  The characters are memorable and the dialogue is fascinating.  I would recommend it at the best of times, but this I highly recommend it for people who would like to watch a film during lockdown.

Anyway, so far this morning, I have managed to finally watch The Mandalorian with my son.  Again, our views on the little green alien differ.  He has fallen for its ‘charms’ while I am aware of its true evil nature.  Hopefully it is to die as the most recent episode suggests will happen.  Which means that we get to watch the Clone Wars later this week.  Now am watching Marr drinking tea with my amazing wife, resting before I get out to hard labour in the garden.