Friday 3 May 2019

Will Quince and education funding

Earlier this year, I got an e-mail from my children’s schools about the issues with funding that they faced.  I forwarded the one from my daughters school to my MP, and he actually answered.

Dear Will Quince MP

I write to you as a constituent to ask what is to happen with school funding?  I specifically ask about funding per pupil taking inflation and cost increases into account.

I have been sent the following letter from the school of my daughter which details the funding ‘challenges’ that they have to face.  The primary school that my son attends also is facing similar issues (he attends Hamilton Primary school).  I know from listening to PMQ’s that this issue has been raised on numerous occasions, and I understand from Twitter, before you blocked me (a decision that I accept is your right), that this is something that you stated that you were interested in.

I do hope that you take the time to answer me (I did not get an answer from you when I contacted you last time) and I look forward to reading your letter/e-mail if you decide to respond this time.

Yours truly

He has worked to raise this matter in parliament and locally reflecting the concerns of his constituents, me included.  It is just a shame that the cuts that schools have faced are taking place.  The Conservatives are right when they mention that funding per pupil has increased, and that funding to education has increased, but in PMQ’s, they do not admit that funding per pupil in real terms (taking inflation and cost increases into account) has not increased.  And it would be nice if my MP admitted that we was wrong to continue with the restrictions to school funding which has been an issue since Labour were voted out of office in 2010.

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