Saturday 4 May 2019

Remember not to celebrate May the 4th

Today was fun.  The kids had to play cricket, but my son, who does not practice enough did not want to go as he felt that he would be useless.  We keep mentioning that this is a self-fulfilling prophecy if he does not practice, but he does not want to be proven wrong most of the time.  However he and his sister did well and enjoyed the morning.  

Later we all pulled together to do some housework, though my son wanted to annoy me (we have since worked his out).  While my son watched television later, my daughter and I went out for a bike ride in the summer showers.  I had to get a new seat for my bike as my old one broke, so we cycled to the shop to get it replaced.

Later in the day, we all watched a film.  I wanted to watch one of the Star Wars films, but I was overruled and we watched Crazy Rich Asians instead which we loved.

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