Monday 29 April 2019

In God We Trust

This month has not been a good one for those who, like me, believe in God.  Religious violence is something that the world has faced for a long time,  But it seems worse now.

But while I thought that I could not be shocked in today’s world, after the barbarity of Unislamic State, I was.  The rape and genocide towards Muslims by Buddhists in Burma (or Myanmar) did.  Then came the livestream murders in Christchurch.  And then, apparently, in ‘revenge’ the mass murder of hundreds of innocent Christians in Sri Lanka by scum who have ignored the violence towards Muslims of the island by other groups.  And yet more Jews have been murdered just for the faith that they follow in the USA, again.  I wish it could end, but there will always be people who wish to kill based on a twisted interpretation of a religion.

There was the Crusades (specifically the massacre after the 'liberation' of Jerusalem), the Armenian Genocide, and of course The Holocaust.  All I can do is to offer thoughts and prayers for those who have died, and will continue to do so.  And pray that the horrors that occur now will reduce the chance of the levels of religious violence in the past.  

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