Saturday 27 April 2019

I am Thor

This week, my wife has been away for part of it.  She was away on a course in sunny Brighton and her mother kindly came up to look after the children.  Ideally it would have been great if I could have taken time off work to look after them myself, but I was not able to due to holiday being taken already at work by someone else.  Which as a shame as I do love the time I get to spend with them, no matter how tired I get

Today was a day of enjoyment.  I went for a walk into town with my son to look at getting a new iPhone. I had agreed to buy him a milkshake from Shakeaway in town but on the way back, I found out that he had not eaten his breakfast! His excuse was that there was no food to eat, even though his grandmother was at home who would have made him anything that he had wanted.  And he got cold drinking his milkshake which did go well with the cold weather this morning. He was frozen and we had to abandon drinking his milkshake on the way home, but to walk home as quickly as possible.  This warmed him up a bit but his mother had made some porridge for him when he got home and that helped him.  Sadly he did not get to drink the milkshake despite putting it in the fridge for later. 

Later we went to watch The Avengers, but I had got the time wrong and we missed the beginning of the film.  Overall it was a great film, but I am left wondering if the gaping holes that any sci-fi nerd like me are to be addressed in another film, or are to be left. (This link contains spoilers.)  But the best bit of the film was Thor.  I can now say I have the body of an Asgardian god!

The only downside to the day is that my wife has crashed.  We were meant to have gone to the birthday of a good friend of ours.  It was to involve drink and dancing, but sadly she has been too tired to go.  She was worried about me as well, as I did not sleep well when she was gone, but I power napped and was ready to go.  Sadly she was not ready to do the same.

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