Wednesday 17 July 2019

The School Play

Just a quick post since my last family update.  We played cricket on Sunday.  The club the kids belong to had an event to celebrate the World Cup final and I was dragged into it.  It was fun playing with the children though they now know never to let me bowl.  I managed to get four wides in a row in the over that I bowled!  We were at home to watch the super over, and that was fantastic! What a match!

And today I got to see my son in his school play.  It is his last one as he is soon to leave and enter secondary school.  He has come a long way since he played Joseph in the Christmas Play when he was four.  His part was not a major one (mind you, it is hard to top being the husband of the Virgin Mary) but the play overall was amazing.  To see how his class has developed over the last seven years is touching.

He will get to keep in contact with many of his friends thanks to social media once he goes to school as he is to go to a different school to most of his year. But he still has a week of school and then it is the holiday for him and his big sister.

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