Monday 15 July 2019

How Trump is making racism acceptable again

First of all, I agree with the racist tweet of Trump.  But please take the time to read this blog post to see why.

There has been allegations that Trump is a racist.  Many of these allegations can either not be proven, or are considered by lots not to show actual racism.

But then Trump decided to make a tweet himself.  It is one that will appeal to his base, and one that will appeal to many who think that we live in a world where we cannot say thoughts unless they meet the standards of ‘liberals’ and these thoughts may include racism.  

Many have pointed out that he first and current (third) wife of Trump are from abroad.  Many have pointed out that those they think that Trump is referring to are almost all born in the USA.  And many have noted that while his first wife and First Lady of Donald Trump May be from abroad, they qualify as white.  

And thanks to Trump, and here in the UK, Brexit, racism is becoming more acceptable.  And the comments for people to go back to where they came from are becoming far to common.

But going back to the tweet, I agree with Trump on three of the Congresswomen.  They are from a nation that is felt by many across the globe to have a government that is a "complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)" and I think that they should do something about it.

So, Rashida Tlaib needs to go back to her country (she was born in Detroit), Ayanna Pressley needs to go back to her country (she was born in Chicago) and the same applies to  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (born in New York, like Trump).  And when it comes to Ilhan Omar, she is just as American as Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Irving Berlin and many others.  All born outside the USA but are American.  Just like the grandparents of Trump and the mothers of all but one of his children.

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