Saturday 6 July 2019

Cricket Saturday

The kids have been amazing today.  And yesterday.

After school they both played cricket and despite playing late, they still played in the morning.  My son played despite being hit in the face with a cricket ball yesterday and my daughter was hit by one this morning.

He accompanied my wife to a baby shower in Halstead and while I waited for them, I got some exercise and walked around the town.  I had a late lunch at a cafe that served great chocolate milkshakes and we got back home to a rested daughter to have a discussion about her school report.

Following that, we watched Mean Girls.  Well my son watched a bit before going to bed.  Hopefully he will be refreshed as I hope to take him out on his bike in the morning!  While the film was great in bits, it was a bit corny in places, but overall, I do think that it is a film that he will need to watch before secondary school.

Anyway I have just finished watching Kin, a much better film in my view, but not one for the children to watch!

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