Wednesday 3 July 2019

A hot June

A quick update since my last post.  The children, while still bickering are better than before.

On the weekend, I got to watch the children play cricket, and then it was Pride in Colchester.  My daughter did not like the advice I gave her about the heat as she went into town with her friends.  I took my son in later, this being after he tidied his room, though we left my wife in town to relax after a hard morning working.  My son appeared to love visiting Pride.  We found his sister eventually, though I was a bit suspicious when we did not see her with her friends.  He did spend my money buying a very cool, but overpriced sparkling Pride hat.

The following day we spent the afternoon in the garden of a friend.  They had a family from New Zealand over who had spent a day with us many years ago just before they left the country.  The kids appeared to love it, my daughter getting to mix with girls older and younger than her, and my son loved playing with the other boys.  Fortunately he has much better hand-eye coordination which helped when playing table tennis outside.

And the graphic is about how hot it has been recently, this month being the hottest on record!

Anyway, time for bed.  Goodnight all.

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