Thursday 2 March 2023

That absent ring of protection around nursing homes

Matt Hancock has had his private WhatsApp messages released despite an NDA agreement by Isabel Oakeshott, the partner of Richard Tice, the leader of Reform UK, a party which has campaigned against the lockdown's that saved so many lives.

I learned this thanks to Twitter and while I do think that a person should not be judged on who they are in a relationship with most of the time, I would have to disclose such a relationship in my Wednesday job.

After PMQ's the capacity issues that were faced were raised by the Conservatives in urgent questions.  To put it simply, there was not enough capacity to test all those entering nursing homes and the priority was to test as many as could be tested as they left hospitals.  Sadly, this was not enough as some were not tested and of those who were, results came too late to stop infections spreading.  

What was not asked was why we did not have enough testing capacity (the reason is NHS cuts before the pandemic) and why the lessons of Exercise Alice and Exercise Cygnus were ignored.  

If anyone needs a reminder of how funeral homes were overwhelmed, this is the words of a lady in the US who runs one.

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