Monday 1 August 2022

Where the Crawdads Sing

First of all, family.  My son was in a mood with me for most of yesterday.  This did appear to lift when the rest of us got back from the film, but I was going to bed.  Still, I much prefer him being in a good mood than not.  This did mean that we did not watch Grey's Anatomy, but we did watch Ms. Marvel.  She appears to be his favourite superhero at present.  Not mine, but I did love the final episode and I do think that she is a great character.  If pressed, I would probably say I enjoyed it more than Thor: Love and Thunder.  I think.  

My daughter has started to read about biology in preparation for her A-levels.  My wife is still hoping that she will attend Colchester County High School for Girls for her sixth-form education, but I have accepted that this is very very unlikely and that she will be going to the sixth form college.  My wife and I agree, that the standard of teaching and the support that she will get is not going to be as good at the sixth form college, but I do think that this will be an experience closer to university than remaining at her current school and this may aid her when (or if) she goes to university.

My son did not join us in watching the football, though again my wife and daughter watched it (along with Leia at times).  It was frustrating at times, notably once Germany scored as we were hoping to watch the end of the game before we left to watch the film.  It is not often my daughter watches football with me, though my wife will watch the major matches and we do have fond, but sad memories of them.  We had to leave once extra time started, but were very happy to get the alert by text that the Lionesses had won.  At least, a trophy for English football since 1966!

Right, the film.  I have not experienced such depression and despair watching a film in a while.  I loved it and I cannot understand why it has not been appreciated.  True, I did wonder why the body of Chase had not been eaten by alligators after his fall, but I felt that the film conveyed how Kya felt really well.  It may be that the film does not match up to the book, or it could be that the trailer ruins too much of it.  Like with most films that I want to watch, I did not watch the trailer before the film and this may have meant that I was able to appreciate it more than the critics.  I am very glad that I watched it and I will be watching this again when it is on the small screen. 

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