Thursday 10 March 2022

PMQs yesterday and making refugees welcome

Yesterday, PMQ's was another episode where the truth appeared to be a rare commodity on the Conservative benches. Keir Starmer raised the issue of rising energy bills, a very important matter considering our record levels of in work poverty. Boris Johnson decided to bring up the matter of Labour not investing in nuclear power, forgetting that Labour have been out of office since 2010 and the nation has had ample opportunity to invest in green energy more than it has so far. Keir Starmer has called upon the government to U-turn on the matter of the energy bill loan that consumers will have to pay. The issue of the record profits for companies taking fossil fuels out of the ground was brought up, but Boris Johnson refused to commit to a windfall tax.  

Later in PMQ's, the issue of refugees was discussed.  Our Prime Minister answered a question about the appalling way we have acted and stated that we have done more to resettle people since 2015.  Which does not appear to be true.

I am hoping that the UK will do more to help those fleeing Putin's War.  Hopefully action will match rhetoric. 

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