Thursday 25 March 2021

13 Reasons Why; Tape 4, Side B

Another day, another side to the tape of Hannah Baker.  This shows a betrayal of trust following a very personal experience.  I have not written poetry since I was in secondary school, but the poem that Hannah wrote was a very personal one.  To have her private thoughts shared to an audience she did not want to see it was a betrayal of trust, one that she had explained the importance of in the episode.  

In itself, would I say that this was a major issue for the mental health of a person?  No, but combined with the other twelve reasons (some of which are milder than others), I can see how someone would be suicidal after such a barrage of insults to their self esteem.

I still consider her suicide to be the cowards way out, and likewise, the effect her death has on those around her is explored in this episode more than it was touched on in the book.

In other news, I took Leia to Highwoods Country Park for the first time.  She loved it.  She got to meet other dogs (she will not obey the guidance on hands face and space) and also had fun chasing after squirrels and birds.  I was impressed when she realised that they would run up trees, though watching her touch a twig with her paw looking up the tree was sweet!

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