Tuesday 23 February 2021

13 Reasons Why; Tape 2, Side A

Watched this with my son, and it makes me want to read the book again.   He appears to be hooked, and he was happy to talk about this episode which dealt in part with the objectification of women.  While my son blamed our gender for this, I did have to point out that not all men objectify women, and some women are seen to encourage objectification.  

However, almost all would agree that the inappropriate and unwanted body contact that occurred in this episode is wrong.  I am sure that there are a few morons who will disagree.  Watching this with my daughter a few years ago allowed me to broach the topic of how some men will wrongly view attire as permission giving.  We agree that women should not be subject to harassment and since then, she has been more aware of what she has worn, though we agreed that some men will find any excuse to assault women.  

I do not know who he will identify with in this series.  Myself, I now am one of the parents, but as a child, looking at the first series, I would have been a much less cool mix of Clay Jensen and Tyler Down.  In fact, I would not have featured in it due to be being such a socially inept nerd.  

He was upset that we were not going onto watch the next episode, but it was time for bed.

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