Tuesday 10 November 2020

How much is that doggy in the window

On the weekend, we told the children, that they are to get a dog.  My wife has wanted a dog for a very long time, and so have the children.  When we got my daughter her fish, it was to prepare her for a dog.  She did not look after it.  The children promised to look after Ron, our hamster, but they did not.  The argument they had to get it over a fish was that a hamster can be played with while you cannot do this with a fish.  Several people we know have got a dog and I think my wife broke.  Of course, during lockdown, the prices of dogs have shot up, but she has researched into this, and has decided to get a dog.

I guess as it is for her, that is acceptable.  Because I know that the children will not look after it as much as it needs looking after.  People at work with a dog are very happy for us, and they have pointed out that it is good that the dog is for my wife as if all goes well, the children will leave home in a few years.

My wife had contacted a breeder, and we were to collect the dog after lockdown.  But this may not be possible, so the odds are that it will be delivered to us.  And this weekend, we got to pick it.  This had to be done via facetime due to COVID as we were not able to travel to see them.  We were not expecting to pick as we were the last to sign up for the litter, but someone had to drop out, so my wife got to pick between a boy and a girl puppy.  Both looked adorable, but she picked the girl after I said I wanted the boy.  

I am unprepared for a dog but the children are very excited and have named her already.  So if anyone has any tips...    

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