Sunday 5 April 2020

Day 13 in isolation

As I type this, I have heard news that Boris has been admitted to hospital due to COVID.  I wish him well and hope he gets better soon.

I do not like the way that people like me in the NHS feel exposed by the amount and quality of PPE that we have (let alone those who care for people in the community).  And needless to say, I do not like the way that he made the suggestion that the NHS would get a huge dividend after Brexit, let alone the cuts made to it while we was a Tory MP, and the lies and manipulation that have occurred about the NHS while he was been in power.  And as noted before, the inability of our nation to test for COVID19 properly is down to cuts made by the Conservatives (though locally, this was while he was out of parliament).

But, he did not act like Trump and Jair Bolsonaro when it came to COVID19.  He listened to scientific advice on how to manage it with the limited resources available to the nation and when that advice changed he adapted.  His stepwise manner in bringing about the lockdown was well executed though could possibly have been done sooner.  And he was also lucky, the decision of the Premier League to cancel matches after Arsenal was struck down by COVID19 helped in not spreading this horrible disease like happened in Spain and Italy.

So, like many who do not agree with him politically, I do wish the best for him and a speedy recovery.

But back to the family, today was spent relaxing and doing bit around the house.  I have ordered the last two scrubs that I could find on the internet in my size that should come back soon.  And we made use of the garden today playing throw and catch again.  We need to use it more really, but it really needs to be cut!  And as you can see from the title, I will be back at work soon seeing patients face to face.  And while I am keen to help my colleagues, I am feeling more nervous.

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