Sunday 21 July 2019

Bluewater again

Today involved a trip to Bluewater for shopping. Clothes and books.  My wife has a dissertation to complete, but the children need some more clothes. And we owed them some books.  Yes, we could have shopped in the town centre, but the range of shops is what drew us there.

One of the best bits of the day were the kids.  They got on well most of the time, and were a lot or kind and loving to me than they have been recently!

But the best part of the day involved my son.  He was queuing to pay for something today and found that he did not have enough money when it came to paying. A kind lady payed the difference! My wife gave him the money to pay her back and she refused to take it, saying that it was was more important to share that act of kindness to others.

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