Sunday 1 July 2018

Should our politicians vote how they feel, or based on what they are told to do?

Last week, there was a big vote about the expansion of Heathrow.  The Conservatives were told to vote to back the view of the party and Labour MP's were given the freedom to vote how they felt.

And to me, this is how democracy should work.  I think that MP's (or councillors) should be able to listen to and debate facts and opinions on proposals that they have to deal with.  And a famous example of this is how Jeremy Corbyn did so.

I disagree with his views on military intervention in Kosovo, and my views on Iraq have been discussed before.  (I also disagree with his views on NHS reform, though we agree it needs a lot more funding, and while I disagree with him on Nuclear Weapons, that is a hard decision where I am not 100% certain.)  But the reason that he is admired by so many of the new (as well as the old) members of the Labour Party, is his honesty and integrity.  And that includes the way he has voted for what he thinks is right.

I think other politicians should be allowed the same freedom, unless that is, if they have agreed to serve in the cabinet, or shadow cabinet.

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