Wednesday 11 November 2015

An abstract painting sold for £16million at Sotheby's yesterday. When asked what the picture represented, the artist replied, "How a fool and his money are soon parted."

Today was a nice day.  As normal, I was doing the school run and decided to see how good the kids were with reading by getting them to read from the Newsround website.  I have to say, they hate it, but one good thing is that they get to follow up what is happening in the world as well as letting me know how much they know, and do not know about things.  So today, they read about Minecraft, Taylor Swift and also a bit about space.  In addition to this, the morning was spent on an impromptu science lesson and then some YouTube videos, some of which they liked, others they also hated.  But, overall, they did remember some of the things that they were taught, and as some of the stuff was on space, a topic my daughter is learning about, this hopefully will be useful in school.

After work, picking up the children, they wanted to be able to walk home.  This was a conversation that we had from when they saw one of the kids walking home (she was met by her mother).  When I
was that young, I was walking my brother to and from school so, when near home, I pulled over and let them walk the rest of the way home.  It was scary but they both loved it.  I have to admit that I am not sure I would do the same again next week though I am certain they will want me to let them.  One thing I did get them to do was to read bits of this blog, the parts about them.  These memories are important to me for I do like reading them, and you never know, they might like them as well in the future!

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