Sunday 27 April 2014

Unsure if you're at an EDL demo or a UKIP conference? Simply check to see if the floor is littered with beer cans or Werther's Originals

There was an interesting story in the news today.  UKIP has been facing yet another race issue.  Not only did they use an Irish actor in one advert about people from the EU taking British jobs, but the leader has been accused of stating that no British worker can work as his secretary.  

Basically William Henwood seems to forget that Lenny Henry, like so many people who are not 100% white was born here, or if he is aware of this, that he should be treated in a different manner because of his skin colour.  If it is just about the issue that the parents of Lenny Henry were not born in the UK, then he might need to remember that the Royal family is one that has immigrant genes.  I take it that he will post that the heir to the throne should go to Greece if he posts a view on any subject as well as his father was born in Greece...

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