Friday 6 April 2012

Foot (noun): Device used for finding lego in the dark

It is interesting to see who looks at this blog.  The figures from today are...

11 - United Kingdom

2 - Malaysia

2 - Namibia

2 - United States

1 - Canada

1 - China

1 - France

1-  Indonesia
I expect the posts from the UK and the US considering my posts on Yahoo Answers, but I am surprised by the locations of the other people who have looked at the blog.  I suspect most the views are due to the posts that I have made on political issues such as healthcare in the USA as well as the NHS and of course, those posts that I have made with regards to the far right.

But, today, let me post about the kids.  Yesterday we went to Legoland.  Again.  They love it there, and with the Merlin Pass that we have, it makes it a much cheaper day out than it would be otherwise.  The trip there does involve the road to hell (the M25 for those who are not aware of it) and of course, Windsor is busy if you follow the route there, but I am lucky as I know a rat run.  For now, they have yet to block it.  Once they do that will be a different matter.  And it will be a matter of time as when going there yesterday, there were two cars ahead of me which had the same idea.  Needless to say it was crowded, but they did not care, most of the time.

The day before that, we went to watch The Pirates, in 3D which, again, they loved.  And to be fair, so did I.  So, two days, good for me, and of course, the kids as well.  Today is a more relaxing day.  I have tried to get them to watch Star Wars, but they are not that interested at present.  Knackered after a long drive and then last night there was a work do.  One of the people I work with has left, and she will be missed a lot.  She did bring a lot of things to work, it will be strange without her there.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the music, and the jokes.

I went to collect my son from getting his driving licence the other day. It was his first time and he was understandably nervous. Thankfully he drove really well and passed, but there were several drivers that made some shocking errors and were still given their licence. Lane discipline was almost non-existent, signalling was poor and some nearly caused major pile-ups. I was fuming that these drivers had not taken the test seriously and still passed, so I snatched away all the wrongly awarded driving licences.

And apparently that's enough to get you banned from Legoland.

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