Monday 5 December 2011

A day without seeing the kids

I did not get to spend that much time with the kids today.  Did not really see them in the morning as they were tired, and by the time I got back late from work, they were asleep.  My daughter had asked my wife if she could stay at home, saying that she was tired.  My son went to nursery, but due to an attack of the squits, had to come home quickly.  When were both at home, they decided to snuggle on the sofa.  When I was a kid, one of my mothers friends, Marlowe used to look after me and my brothers.  She kindly gave us a blanket a few years ago.  When getting out the Christmas stuff, I found it again and brought it out with the decorations.  Well, my son found it first today when he was sent home and put it on.  When my daughter got home, my son proudly showed off his new discovery. 

I know there are times that my wife goes stir crazy at home, but at least she gets to see things like this, and I have to say, there are many times that I am very jealous.  But then I do go to work to get rest!

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