Wednesday 6 October 2010

Try braking, to give your driving a bit of 00mph

Evening all.  First of all, it is my youngest brothers birthday.  I got the kids to sing happy birthday to him and e-mailed the video to him (and others in the family).

I was woken up at four in the morning when my daughter was coughing.  Unfortunately I was not able to get back to sleep.  So what am I doing?  I am watching The Apprentice.  I will be going back to sleep soon though.
Back to my daughter, she is still is coughing, as I type.  And today she also has a hoarse voice.  She was not able to go to school, and at this rate, probably will not be going in tomorrow either.
My son is well, which is surprising as he is normally the ill one out of the two.   Hopefully he will not be too ill and she will get better soon.  And I will get some sleep.

British Golfing Terminology

1 A "Paris Hilton" - an expensive hole

2 A "Dennis Wise" - a nasty 5 footer

3 A "Salman Rushdie" - an impossible read

4 A "Rock Hudson" - looked straight, but it wasn't

5 A "Cuban" - needed one more revolution

6 An "Adolf Hitler" - two shots in the bunker

7 A "Saddam Hussein" - from one bunker straight into another

8 A "Yasser Arafat" - ugly and in the sand

9 A "Kate Winslett" - little bit fat but otherwise perfect

10 A "Liz McColgan" - Ugly but runs forever

11 A "Glen Miller" - didn't make it over the water

12 An "Arthur Scargill" - a great strike but a poor result

13 A "Russell Grant" - a fat iron

14 A "Rodney King" - over-clubbed

15 An "OJ Simpson" - got away with it

16 A "Princess Grace" - should have taken a driver

17 A "Princess Di" - shouldn't have taken a driver

18 A "Robin Cook" - just died on the hill

19 A "Michael Jackson" - gradually fading

20 A "Douglas Bader" - looked good in the air, but didn't have the legs

21 A "Ken Livingstone" - quite far left

22 A "Jean-Marie LePen" - a long way right

23 A "Ladyboy" - looks like an easy hole but all is not what it seems

24 A "condom" - safe but didn't feel real good

25 A "circus tent" - a BIG top

26 An "Anna Kournikova" - looks great, but unlikely to get a result

27 A "Vinnie Jones" - nasty kick when you're not expecting it

28 A "Sally Gunnell" - ugly, but a good runner

29 A" Brazilian" - Shaves both sides of the hole