Sunday 15 August 2010

My girlfriend says I am no good with money. She won't be saying that when my 10,000-1 bet on Blackpool to win the prem comes in!

Evening all.
It has been an interesting time since I last posted.

I went out for a drink and managed to annoy those I went out drinking with.  I have a tendency to rant when drunk.  I have been noted on one occasion to annoy some Daily Mail readers, which was not a problem other than I had to apologise to the hosts of the meal we had gone to due to the nature of my comments.  Annoying right wing bigots when drunk, fine.  Annoying friends, not good.

Work has been better.  I am getting used to the new computer system, and also I think that I am getting used to the increased workload.  It is strange working somewhere where everyone tries to support each other, as opposed to working somewhere were certain senior people seemed to be trying to find new and interesting ways not to work.

Anyway, the kids.  They have been fine.  They went to watch Toy Story 3 this week. I did not get to go, being at work.  My wife took them with her mother.  It was the first time my son got to watch a film at the cinema, not so with my daughter who has already watched Up.  Apparently, his tendency to scream "Scary" did not seem to annoy other people there, but served to amuse. I hope!
They have also been raspberry picking.  It was meant to be strawberry picking, but they are no longer in season.  My daughter loves raspberries.  My son thought it would be great, until he tasted them.  He forgot that he does not like them!  Sneaky git today decided to tell me that his sister did a poo in his nappy.  When I asked him what she would say if I asked her, he, the two year old went "Shhh!"  Needless to say, I do not think that my daughter did a poo in his nappy and them put it on him.

I read an article the other day that said, "if you drink every day you are an alcoholic."

Thank god I only drink every night.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Wouldn't it be ironic if you died in the living room?

Afternoon all.  I am moonlighting to get some extra dosh to cover the crash of my pay cut.
But, I got to spend the morning with the kids.  Last night, I went out for a drink with two friends.  I suspect that I may have said things that I should not though!  Anyway, on getting back, I passed out and woke up, wimp that I am when it comes to booze, a bit worse for wear.  Now to be fair, it was self inflicted.  And the kids, who normally sense weakness on my part, and exploit it to the full we actually nice.  Not just to me, but too each other.  I would like to think that it was down to me not resorting to a default position of yelling at them, but rather encouraging them.  But I suspect it was luck, and the fact that at heart, they are both nice kids.

I also took them out for a walk.  It had been raining, and so I got them in wellies, so that they could jump in puddles.  And the moron that I am, I forgot to put my sons jeans inside the wellies!  But to be fair, my daughter, who was wearing leggings, had hers soaked with all the water they both jumped in.  

My wife was concerned that my son might be colour blind.  Today I was able to prove her wrong!  Through the use of M&M's I was able to feed him them, everytime he got one of the colours right.  It is amazing how quickly he learns when food is put in front of him!

Anyway, time to go.  And if you are interested in a proper blog on bringing up kids, try this link.  I liked it!

Thursday 5 August 2010

I was thinking of writing a book 'A guide to better shoplifting'....but who the hell is going to buy it?

Evening all.  Just thought that I would post an update.  Had breakfast with the family today, and then went to work!

While I was at work, they went to the beach.  And my wife had to go into the sea with them!   Muhahahaha!  Got back from work to find my kids still loving the fact that they had been to the beach.  My son is learning more and more when it comes to speaking and asked be to blow some bubbles with him in the garden.  And I found it very hard to say no to him.

Work is still great.  Stressful getting used to a new system.  But the thing is, that they want to work to high standards.  And if there are queries, they let you know (as I found out today when there was a slight concern over me and the work that was building up) and are more than willing to support others.  And yes, I have made the right decision.  Even though it is only a week that I have been there.

Anyway,time for that joke...

The other day the wife said to me "Its obvious women are smarter than men. Think about it! Diamonds are a girls best friend; mans best friend is a dog." to which i replied "lets see a diamond rescue you when your drowning". That wiped the smug look off her face.   

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Why can't you hear a dog whistle? Because they can't whistle.

Evening all.

I love my new job.  It is not perfect, but it is great.  Though to be fair, I have not even worked there a week, and I am having to adapt.  They use a completely different computer system at my new job and that is taking me time to get used to.  And of course, I will have to get used to that 30% pay cut!

Anyway, the kids.  My daughter had her uniform bought today.  As she is so slim, special trousers had to be bought.  By special, I mean more expensive.  My son in the meantime is speaking so much more.  Every day, I hear something new.  Anyway, time to go.  I hope you like the jokes...

Dear Twilight fans,

Thank you for making us look sane and fit back into everyday society.

Yours sincerely, Trekkies.

Was at a womens golf tournament recently and was thrown out

Apparently they dont take kindly to anyone shouting

"You've picked up the wrong iron"