Saturday 23 March 2024

Bristol and back

Am knackered.  Today my daughter went to an open day at Bristol University.  We drove down at five in the morning and got here early, but in time to get some good seats for the first lecture.  My wife and a friend had driven off to a spa while my daughter and I attended this.  My son was left behind in Colchester with Leia and spent his time walking her and meeting friends.

Bristol is a lovely city and if she makes a decision to study here, despite recent concerns about student welfare, it looks a lovely place to study.  One down side was the first lecture which was a tick-box on what not to do, notably talk to the laptop, or the board, make no eye contact with the audience and mumble.  However the rest of the day was much better.  The down side was that my daughter was too tired to make the last meeting which was one where she would have got to see potential lecturers and talk to them directly.  

What was a shock though was learning that my daughter no longer is a big fan of Taylor Swift!  Not sure if my son is responsible for that one though...