Saturday 11 November 2023

The Shard

My wife used up our Expedia points so that she could take us to an amazing night at The Shard. It was a late anniversary present, and also my Christmas and birthday present.

We drove there and we were met with a great view when we entered. The picture does no do it justice. The view was actually better today (the picture is from yesterday) as the sun was shining this morning. I am sad to admit, that in addition to looking at the Thames and the various buildings, I also spent time watching the trains. My wife dragged me away from watching the real life train set and we went upstairs to the cocktail bar. We watched the reflection of the sunset in the buildings as we savoured our cocktails. 

After getting ready in our room, it was dinner and watching night fall across London. Dinner involved interesting flavours at the start and later a fabulous fish dish and astounding stake. Sadly my wife was not to finish hers, so I got to eat that!

Breakfast the following morning was great, the sun shining made the view even better. Our drive back home to reality did involve some traffic as well as watching the police rush into deal with the right wing protest against people marching for an armistice on Armistice Day. We did not get back for the minute’s silence, something which I hoped would have more relevance to my son who has just got back from Ypres, in Belgium, being taken through the remnants of the trenches and seeing the war graves as part of a school trip.