Sunday 15 October 2023

Party time!

My daughter had her 18th birthday last night.  The garden is now tidier than it was at the end of last night.  Friends of ours came over and kept us company allowing us to relax as much as we could, distracting us from what was going on in the garden.  

While normal parents allow parties to take place inside a house, after hearing what had happened at other parties, my wife and I decided that there was to be no party indoors.  We had offered to hold the party in a bar elsewhere, but many of the friends of my daughter are under the age of 18, and I have reasons to believe that alcohol was consumed last night.  

I did insist that the firepit that we have was put into use, and considering the cold, and the fact that boys were present, it was quite popular.  I was concerned that they were to run out of firewood, but this did not happen. 

Anyway, time to iron my scrubs for the coming week...