Friday 15 September 2023


We went to a beautiful funeral today. It was of the father of a dear friend of ours. My wife has a lot more memories of him than I do, but they are fond memories.

It brought back memories of the funeral of my father, but I have been to funerals since then. Though it was not just me, it also brought back such memories to my wife as well.

During it, we sat next to a friend of my wife, who many years ago told me what she would do to me if I was not nice to my wife. My wife was not aware of what she had said to me over twenty years ago, but she herself can!

After, we went to the pub for recollections and a chance to chat and catch up with others. It was a great place to be, wonderful weather, and because he always bought his round, a free bar.

Anyway, Russell, here are my musical memories of your last eventful day.