Saturday 19 August 2023

Day seven on Rhodes

 I thought that the French lived so long because they were miserable. That is a poor joke based on an incorrect stereotype. It has been thought that they love long because of their diet. I think it is the exercise that they do. 

Last night, the reps put on an a brilliant and very energetic show and then got us all to dance. The number of dances that a French person seems to know is amazing. And they all appear to know the moves. Anyone who says that white people cannot dance has not seen the French dance. They put us to shame but it was still a fantastic night and my daughter and I are looking forwards to seeing what is happening tonight.

Today, was another relaxing day at the pool, and for my wife and daughter, at the beach. We now have a guide book and will look at exploring the island in our last week on it. I have just come back from a walk with my daughter on the beach where we found an interesting dead fish that appeared to have been killed by the rocks it was swimming in. Just need to find out what it is.

The song on the video is the music that they have played every night, again one with dance moves to it, at least with the reps who teach it to children before the main event which starts at 2130 every night.