Saturday 12 August 2023

How fires are attributed to climate change

Wild fires have devastated Maui in Hawaii, notably Lahaina. Some people have had issues with understanding how fires are attributed to climate change

The answer to this is quite simple. Wet forests do not burn very easily. If they are dry, they burn easier, and if there is less rainfall due to climate change, then the fires will be worse than otherwise and will be harder to combat.  The more rainfall, the less fires.  And, to look at two recent examples that have hit the headlines. Rhodes and Hawaii have had less rainfall than they had ten years ago.

Many continue to tell us Don't Look Up and some of them may not be paid by the companies that profit from ruining our planet, doing this work for free instead. 

Our planet use to be a lot hotter when there was more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.  Let us not return to that climate.