Saturday 22 July 2023

The Hippopotamus

Loved it. My wife recommended this, though she was not able to recall the plot of the book when we did. It is an interesting take on a whodunnit especially as you do not know what is being investigated at first. It has great scenery, but, like many films set in the UK, it shows the posh side of the nation. Also, I suspect that the book would have been better as some of the characters did not seem to have time to be developed, I may be wrong as there are books about which could be improved as well. I am glad that I watched it and this is a film that I might be tempted to watch again. 

As for the rest of today, I spent it annoying the kids, but we did visit my mother and my parents-in-law. They loved seeing our children, but all felt we should have spent longer with them.

Both children are now on their summer holidays. They watched Barbie yesterday but had mixed experiences. My daughter went with some friends which included some boys she does not consider friends and felt that they made the film experience one which was not as good as she liked. My son loved it and when asked about it being sexist stated that it was not. I guess my wife and I will watch it on the small screen, but we may be tempted to watch it in cinema as it appears to be a more enlightened take on Barbie.