Tuesday 16 May 2023

Should people be able to change their minds about what they are?

Transitioning at a young age with the use of medications is right for many people, it is also the wrong thing for many, an example being Keira Bell. We can either accept that this is an area to discuss or refuse to do so.

Sadly, it appears to be deemed transphobic to raise such issues, especially as the use of drugs and surgery at a young age can be irreversible.  I have come across many people, who in adult life come out as being gay, bisexual or non-binary.  There is nothing wrong with that, but it would be wrong to say to someone that the sexuality or gender identity that they have as a child or teenager is something that they will have to carry for the rest of their lives.  Most children who consider themselves to be gay or bisexual are going to be so, and when I say most, I have encountered a lesbian who has realised that she is bisexual after meeting and falling in love with the 'right' man later in her life, but that tends to be the exception rather than the rule.

It is also just as sad to state that children should be banned from such treatments as it is felt by many that they cannot consent to such treatment being under the age of 18.  

If we are to be able to work out what is the least worst path to follow with this matter (for harm will come to some no matter what choice is made), we need to be able to have a debate on this looking at facts and also to be able to listen to concerns from all about this matter.

The screaming by those against this discussion, who reside on the extremes of both sides of this debate, is pathetic.