Sunday 23 April 2023

Being a patriot

Being British is more than being white or ethnically British.  Our nation literally is built on immigration.  Due to this, it is hard to state who is ethnically British.  If you look up Phil The Greek, you will find that he is not ethnically British.  He was married to someone part German.  Which makes King Charles, his son less than 50% ethnically British.

Diversity has brought our great nation success in the Olympics and other areas of sport with people born and bred in our nation, as well as those who have come to our nation after birth. I am glad that we are a diverse nation and I do not want our sports teams to be ethnically British only.  

There are those who wish to divide us based on ethnicity, skin colour and our parents but by doing so, they will be saying that one of the most British of institutions, is not British. Lastly, for the record, the presenters on the featured videos, are in my opinion, British, and while I do not agree with them all the time (and one of them only some of the time), I am glad that they enrich our nation which would be so much poorer without them.