Saturday 25 March 2023


 My daughter and I watched this last night/early this morning. I have seen it before and loved it, I think, that despite her ideal wishes, my daughter liked it as well.

I understand why some considered this to be blasphemy but, I love the way it portrays God and religion. It did lead to an interesting discussion about the existence of God between us. My faith is easy to have considering how lucky I am in life, unlike the lead character in the film.

If you liked Clerks and Mallrats, this is a must see. If you did not, then avoid this like the plague. 

Anyway, back to the family. My wife took my daughter to Aylesbury to shop, my son staying at home with me before he met up with friends in town.. I had intended to catch up on work but needed to rest.

Let us see what tomorrow brings…