Saturday 21 January 2023

Drinks last night

I was at a course yesterday and this morning. It was run by AstraZeneca  which meant that what the NHS would do in one day, they did over two. Working in the NHS since the 1990’s it is the first time that I have been on one where they pay for accommodation and meals, so last night, I attended the first drug sponsored meal I have been to in a while and I may have drunk too much (free) wine.

The children (and my wife) accused me of drunk texting them. Obviously I would never do that.

The meeting was a good one and I have a lot to take back and put into action. In the meeting they had a chart, one to put down a word about how we felt after it on making changes to asthma management (mine was inspired) but they had another board, at the request of a consultant, about how we felt about the NHS. She has three children, two went to medical school. One had left the NHS, one is about to leave and the third, who is a lawyer, is very happy.

Anyway, onto more cheerful matters. After I left the meeting today, it was a trip to Epping where my wife had a reunion of old school friends. It was great to see them, though three of the crowd were not able to make it. They are already planning the next meet…