Sunday 8 January 2023

Retaining NHS staff

First of all, my son and I are back from France. He had talked about an early morning trip to Paris, but come the morning, faced with getting out of bed he decided to stay in bed. A trip to the airport in a taxi and then the flight home. Though it turned out we had not paid for everything and our cabin luggage had to go into the hold. My wife picked us up, having spent the weekend in London with my daughter having a great time themselves.

Anyway, one topic that has been discussed is if NHS staff are valued. In the last two months, as part of my job I have talked to two nurses who have left their jobs for better money elsewhere. One has now left for Australia, where she is to continue working as a nurse, just somewhere that will pay her properly. I need to write to by MP if they should have stayed in their jobs and accepted a below inflation pay rise, or if they should have left.

I am also going to ask him about an email from one of this fellow MP’s…