Tuesday 3 January 2023

Avatar: The Way of Water

This is a film that I can imagine will either be liked or hated. I liked it. But, I can see why many will not do so

Plot wise, it is a simple plot with a few issues which I suspect will be dealt with in the next two films. There is a huge plot hole and this may be addressed in a directors cut, or even in the sequels to come. It is not too taxing to follow and watching it with my son, who had not watched the first film, he was able to come up to speed fairly quickly. Issues of greed and exploitation which were the plot in the first film came up again. The visuals are spectacular and while some have complained that the film was too long, I think that with the content included, it was about the right length as it flowed well. Overall, the plot was mostly predictable, though there were a few surprises for me. The tale was told well, but like the first film, other than the special effects, this is not a notable film that will be a classic in the future.

If you liked the first film, I would be surprised if you do not like this. And if you do not like the first film, then do not bother watching it. I am glad to have watched it and I look forward to the sequels which are to follow. I am not sure if my son will be watching them though. For those who do not wish to watch it, here is the trailer, but like with many films watching it will reduce the enjoyment of the film.