Tuesday 1 November 2022

Last night

I think that the kids liked Halloween. My son considers it to be his favourite holiday (though to me it is not a holiday) and my daughter had a friend round who loves it.  My wife and I had tried to watch Fear Street 1994 with them on the weekend, but they were not too interested and left.

Last night, it rained and rained.  Our dog woke me up barking, which means that she normally wants to go to the toilet.  I got out of bed, went downstairs and opened the door at 0130 only for her to decide that she did not need to go to the toilet as it was raining!  The same happened at 0200 and also at 0400, by which time it had stopped raining, so she decided that she was able to attend to her call of nature.  

I would just like to point out that the children said that they would do this before they got her...