Friday 28 October 2022

Trevor Noah on racism and Rishi Sunak

There has been controversy over the comments that Trevor Noah has made about Rishi Sunak and racism in the UK.  The simple fact is that racism is still an issue for too many people in the UK.  Things are much better than they have been in the past in that we now have a non-white PM who Conservative MP's have voted on who they think is the best person for the job.  There was a time that the Conservatives were the party of racism, and while many would argue that not much has changed with the policies on refugees, Rishi Sunak shows that a lot has changed.  

The video of Jerry from Lowestoft actually shows how a racist changes the expressed views on Rishi Sunak from outright racism, to finding other reasons as to why they are against our first non-white Prime Minister. Many will not like him due to his skin colour, but this may be a sub-conscious issue, i.e. unconscious bias. It will be hard to discern which people who are against him are against him due to his policies, or if his skin colour is a factor because for them, they will cite the arguments that Jerry from Lowestoft finally resorted to almost eight minutes into the video of his call to LBC.  

A way of looking at how our nation is still racist is not how we treat our Prime Minister, but how we treat refugees coming from Ukraine to those coming from other nations.  We may have to exclude Albania from this as it does seem to appear that those fleeing Albania are more likely to be economic migrants than genuine asylum seekers.  Put simply, refugees from Ukraine, despite being in safe nations have rightly been granted asylum, but many in our nation do not want to offer the same to refugees fleeing Afghanistan, Iran Eritrea, Chad, Yemen, Sudan, Syria etc.